BluFish E-Commerce

Custom Design Customer Journey E-Commerce B2C SEO Automations


Blu Fish is a well-established fishmonger in Pesaro, with a 20-year history. After opening several retail outlets and exploring digital delivery systems such as Justeat, they decided to create a B2B e-commerce platform. This initiative aimed to expand their customer base and enhance their service offerings by enabling online sales of fresh fish and specialty products. Customers could now conveniently order their groceries and have them delivered to their home or workplace at their convenience.

For the Blu Fish project, we implemented several solutions to meet their specific requirements. We developed a custom design that reflected current visual trends while staying true to the brand’s character, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing user experience. Additionally, we integrated a booking system that allowed customers to choose between in-store pickup or home delivery.

A crucial aspect of the project was the customer journey-oriented design, ensuring seamless and intuitive navigation for website visitors. We also optimized the content for search engines to improve visibility (SEO content optimization).

By introducing the Digital Fish Shop as a new service, we provided both existing and new customers with a convenient and accessible online shopping experience.

The entire project was built from scratch, tailored to Blu Fish’s unique needs, and provided a solid foundation for their online success.

In conclusion, our collaboration with Blu Fish resulted in a successful B2B e-commerce platform, enabling them to reach new customers and provide high-quality fishmonger services. The custom design, booking system, and SEO optimizations contributed to the project’s success.

Project Requirement
Blu Fish
SETT, 2022
GIU, 2023

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